Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Waiting for Miss Right

A letter came in the mail today. It was from a good friend who spends summers on a lake in Canada. How I enjoyed reading her letter with its beautiful calligraphic handwriting. Her statuesque 5'11'' daughter has started dating my handsome 6'3'' son. We say very little about this relationship in deference to our grown children. But we are smiling all under.

A violin that sits in a living room cabinet tells a story from my son's past. It was a gift from a girl that would sit on my bedroom floor and talk to me for long stretches of time. I liked the candor of this young woman. There have been others through the years.

With diligence I continue to pray.


Hill upon Hill said...

I have just read a few posts. I so enjoy them. Your life is indeed richly blessed. I love your Sunday's best, that you make jelly and have tea! Lovely markers of life and time.

crochet lady said...

I am not ready for the dating days for my sons. Praying is the best thing to do.

PAK ART said...

So is the girl with the violin the same young lady that is seeing your son now? It was such a blessing to me when my son started dating the daughter of my best friend. I was heartbroken when she broke up with him after 3 years....until he started dating her older sister. She was a better match all along. They are now married and it is wonderful. My in-laws are also good friends.

Cathy said...

The violin was a gift from a girl my son dated several years ago.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...