Wednesday, October 28, 2009

double birthday fun

Maybe because my husband and I share the same birthday month, or maybe because there seems a special tied up neatness in it all, whatever the case may be, my attitude concerning couples sharing the same birthday month is well... delightful.

Witt's birthday is October 26th and his lovely lady's is on the 24th of the month, so both families joined together for a birthday bash celebrating their lives on Sunday the 25th, a happy meet in the middle place.

I made a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for Witt, and Claire's mother made a cheesecake topped with bittersweet chocolate for her.

The lighting of twenty-seven candles was a group effort.

Interestingly enough both of them asked for a coffee maker of some sort. Claire requested a regular simple coffee maker since her old one-cupper took forever to brew a cup of coffee in the mornings, and Witt asked for an french press coffee maker, just because...?

There was all kind of fun going on along the sidelines too!


crochet lady said...

Sharing a birthday! What a special event for a couple.

Love the photo's you take with only a little color showing. Wonderful.

The dB family said...

Looks like it was a wonderful day! I've always wondered about the attraction of French presses. Maybe I'm not much of a coffee conisseur :o).


Hill upon Hill said...

Oh I can feel the happiness in that occasion.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...