Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This was the scene from the high, large window in my foyer that I was fortunate to glimpse as I passed through one morning. I wanted to squeeze its beauty and get out every last drop of blue sky and golden leaves. I settled for my camera and its macro lens.

The week at the lake with my husband was, if you will excuse a tone of vernacularism, "Just what the doctor ordered". I even found myself wishing I was heading there once again when Friday rolled around last week!

We made a quick stop by* Gander Mountain* on the way and purchased some new hiking shoes. These are some of the most comfortable shoes I have ever put on my feet. We so enjoyed hiking on the trails of Chimney Rock.

Obviously, I have taken a respite of sorts from the world of blogging, or computers too so it seems, for the most part. Honestly, the days seemed to jump on a fast moving wheeled object and take off without looking back. But I would find myself thinking about those whose blogs I enjoy reading.
Easing back is the key.


The dB family said...

Welcome back! I'm glad you had a great time away! I know what you mean about squeezing out every last drop. (Beautiful photo)! Our maples still have a few leaves clinging tenaciously to their branches, and my eyes continually stray towards them, soaking in the last drops of colour.

My blogging seems to be a little lax these days too...


Hill upon Hill said...

Good medicine indeed.

Re crockpot lasagne: I do not brown the mince and I do not boil the pasta. Gourmet it is not, tasty and filling it is.

Rhonda said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful, relaxing time.
I know what you mean about "easing" back into blogging. I occassionally take a break-it is very refreshing.

crochet lady said...

Glad you had a nice time. You were missed.

jan said...

I'm glad you're back as well. Your blog is such a restful, peaceful place to "visit".
A week away with your wonderful! We enjoy hiking too.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...