Monday, January 11, 2010

Knitting Hats

In passing these days it never ceases to come up in conversation, "I'll be glad when this cold spell is over and warmer weather returns." I listen and remain silent for the most part. Because frankly, I am enjoying this cold spell immensely. Rather strange for me to admit , but it certainly is the truth. Soon, very soon, these cold temperatures will dissolve into breezes blowing gentle winds and we will awake to a world of colorful crocuses and sunshiny daffodils. I will enjoy those things to the uttermost too.Yet now it pleases me to knit woolen hats that keep my children toasty on these winter days.

Here are some of the hats worn from this past week's chilling afternoon walks.

I knitted this hat last year during when I was sick in bed with the flu of sorts. It is Charlotte's favorite winter hat.

Upon cleaning Charlotte's closet last week, which was spilling over into every inch of her room, I found this felted hat on the top shelf. It was made for Rose when she was six years old and she hated it because it was too itchy! Knitted from the wool of my sheep, felted and dyed this beautiful shade of charcoal, I think it is the cat's meow.

Embellished with two golden bows on its front rim, to add extra attraction.

In those days prior to Christmas when everything is a bustling and there is hardly any time to even think straight, I find sitting down for a spell to knit to be the most calming of pursuits to undertake. I visited my local yarn shop and knitted up several toboggans from this yarn of merino wool, silk and cashmere. One of the hats, different pattern, same yarn, different color,was given as a gift so I do not have a photo of it.

But this one, Rose wants to claim. I am not convinced yet that it shall be hers. The pattern for this hat is found here.


crochet lady said...

Wonderful charcoal hat and even more special when the wool was from your own sheep!

I rather enjoy the cold myself and being able to bundle up in something home stitched.

The dB family said...

Wool from your own sheep?! How neat is that! Your hats are lovely! Although I am not very good at knitting, I do find it very enjoyable. We could sit and knit together over a cup of tea, while we enjoy the cold spell :o).


PAK ART said...

Everyone of those hats are special in their own way. I too love the charcoal felted hat - it has such a unique shape. I had no idea you had sheep and used their wool...I'm learning something new about you!

Hill upon Hill said...

I too love Winter. I am so fortunate to have your fingerless gloves here, ready for our Winter. So nice that you knit them.

once again ...and even more frozen whiteness

  There is a wilder solitude in winter  When every sense is pricked alive and keen.         --May Sarton ("The House in Winter" A ...