Thursday, July 1, 2010

Blueberry July

Having a little muffin with my blueberries this morning.

The recipe called for 1 1/2 - 2 cups of fresh blueberries. Didn't have to think about that one, then I threw in a few extra for good measure.


crochet lady said...

Ohhh, those look so tasty. I feel like cooking up something yummy with berries, but just don't have the time lately.

Wanted to thank you for your kind comment on my last post, I am grateful for such a sweet blogging friend.

The dB family said...

Yum! Blueberries aren't quite ready here yet and we've used up the last of them from the freezer for awhile now. Can't wait until they're ready!


Karen said...

Oh goodness! I love all the blueberries in there.

Leslie said...

This looks so delicious. As a matter of fact, I have a ton of blueberries in my fridge right now and I think I must make muffins and I will be tossing in extras, too.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...