Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Day

Glory to God in the Highest, and Peace on Earth, Good Will towards Men.
                                                            Luke 2:14

Never had I planned to take such a break from the computer and blogging. Missing you in terrible degrees and only misty thoughts appear whenever I begin questioning when I shall be able to get back to it again in any regular form.

Celebrating Christmas with family, at my house this year. 

Only Charlotte and I truly witnessed close-up the bittersweet moment when my parents saw each other for the first time since Thanksgiving. My mother's illness has required her to live in an Alzheimer's facility, the grief this has caused us is unbelievable.  But we managed to get her here for a few hours.
Daddy was carried downstairs by his grandsons, and then later they carried him back upstairs and to bed. He did beautifully.

Charlotte's dollhouse       

Claire was faithful in clean-up duty. What did I ever do without her in past years?????   She also brought along a delicious brussel sprouts dish and creamy mashed sweet potatoes.    

Amid the disorder  before everyone had left to return home, a family photo was in order, in our new sunroom.     

 Only a tiny peek into my home on Christmas Day. I have enjoyed sharing it with you.                             


GretchenJoanna said...

I'm glad you got the chance to share. The love in your family is evident in the pictures. Merry Christmas!

Carolina Gal said...

A beautiful Christmas. I love the picture of your sweet parents sitting together. You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers many times over the past holiday.
The family picture is priceless...very handsome family that you are blessed with, and the sunroom is just as pretty as I knew it would be.
Hugs and wishes for a blessed New Year.

crochet lady said...

Your house is beautiful. I love the windows and your sunroom.

How nice that your parents were able to be together. I know what it's like to face Alzheimer's. My prayer for my dad when he was in the midst of that was that somewhere deep inside he would not forget God's love for him.

Thanks for sharing your photos.

Leslie said...

Your family picture is beautiful and I really like the picture of your parents, too. They are blessed to have you. Your post really speaks about family and how much we need each other. God bless you this new year. ~Leslie in tx

The dB family said...

Thank you for sharing your Christmas day with us. Your home is so lovely. The photo of your parents brought tears to my eyes. Continuing to lift you up in prayer.

Hugs and blessings to you, my friend!

Hill upon Hill said...

Surrounded by family.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...