Thursday, January 13, 2011

the sitting room

The "Morning Room"  where sunlight abounds.  I begin my morning here, even while it is still dark.  I am enjoying filling it with happy things, hence the rug. It is like a net, it catches you. But unlike usual forms of captivity, it makes you oblivious to being caught in its clutches. You want to abide there indefinitely.

 Later in the day, refuge is sought there too. Then the sitting room takes on another type of magic altogether.

"...her sitting room was a room which, as part of the house was called the 'breakfast room'. Now breakfast rooms are all right in the morning when the sun streams in on the toast and marmalade, but by afternoon they seem to vanish a little and to fill with a strange silvery light, their own twilight; there is a kind of sadness in them then, but as a child it was a sadness Kate liked. She would creep in to Mrs. May just before tea-time and Mrs. May would teach her to crochet."

The Borrowers
Mary Norton

A few more images  of where you will find me at any given time during the day. From boisterously bright to silvery shadowed, I love every inch of it.


crochet lady said...

Oh my, that is a beautiful space!

Carolina Gal said...

Oh, how beautiful is your room! I'm sure it's been a wonderful place to relax.

The dB family said...

Cathy, your home is beautiful! Such a special and cozy place to relax. Enjoy!


late october fun times

This is a neat birthday story.  To call our firstborn a beloved son as well as a friend is a privilege we do not take lightly. We are greatl...