Tuesday, June 28, 2011

fresh herb storage

Most of my herb garden serendipitiously lays just outside my kitchen steps making it convenient for me to grab my kitchen shears, step outside and snip whatever herbs are needed when cooking.

 Throughout the day I will drink glass upon glass of water. I love to add a few fresh mint leaves and having fresh mint readily available on the counter is a time saver. The mint will last for several days in a glass of water but I am constantly refreshing my supply.

 Like all herbs, basil has its own unique stance in summertime foods. If you need to cut your basil back but you are not planning on using it right that moment, do not store it in the refrigerator. Instead place the fresh cut leaves in a glass of water and cover with a baggie, allowing it to rest on the kitchen counter out of direct sunlight. The water in the glass should be changed daily. Your basil will stay fresh and green for more than a week when stored in this way.  You might even have the added benefit of having your basil root if left long enough!


Leslie said...

I love basil. I have two plants of it this year but they look kind of sad. I'm too distracted, I think, and not watering enough. I have two rosemary plants, too. One I rooted from the big one. When we move I am taking some sprigs with me. I'll be lost cooking-wise without those wonderful bushes.

The dB family said...

I need to harvest my cilantro. I'm going to put a batch in a glass with water as you suggest so we can enjoy all manner of cilantro dishes for a few days. The rest will be frozen to savour over the winter. Thank you for sharing this tip!


Gigi said...

Oh, me too Kathy! I'm loving the abundance of mint we have right now and keep a pitcher of water with mint in the fridge at all times.

no spring chicken said...

I didn't know this! Thanks for the tip...

Blessings, Debbie

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...