Wednesday, September 14, 2011's elementary my dear

My brain strains to net aura moments. I am thinking I may be a tad bit more tired of late with the new schedules and all the extras that beckon me every day. Be informed, when I speak of such moments I am not talking rocket science. So it was today as I was preparing a lunch, requested by Charlotte, of boxed macaroni and cheese. I know this goes beyond simple, please know I give no endorsements here...just the fact of the matter works sometimes. Anyway, as the water in the pot began to boil I threw in a solitary noodle, it danced, then another noodle, a definite about the addition of a third noodle? I am now observing a grand dance right before my eyes!  Elementary, my dear. A fascinating lunch began with boiling water, single noodles...and a dance observed!

And there is the healthy blooming hibiscus that glows outside on the back patio with its display of multifarious blooms due to the cooler September evenings. It is the closest thing I might ever own to the resemblance of a lemon tree.

Latin declensions are kindling my mind lately. I was a student of Latin for three years, eighth, ninth and tenth grades. There is no reason to remind you this was a long time ago.  Since the study of Latin is one of Rose's school subjects this year, I am taking on the challenge of studying Latin along with her. These days I find myself grabbing Latin words and declining them while sitting at stop lights or waiting in grocery store lines. This site helps when online practice is needed.

The windows are opened wide letting in evening sounds that fascinate and aid in creating a wonderfully soothing sleeping environment. We dine outside every evening we can and with our new later schedule due to ballet lessons and and visits with Mother, we find ourselves dining by candlelight as darkness  tiptoes into our spaces. 

 It was a quick stop by the market to pick up some sushi for dinner, which we ate with the chopsticks given to us by some friends who were former missionaries to Taiwan. I have always loved how material items can bring special people to mind.

 A before bedtime game of Rummikub with Charlotte.  As we were finishing the last match even my husband had joined in to the game's fascinating pull.

Have you played this game yet?  


The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Hi Cathy,
I so enjoyed catching up with you today! What a beautiful yellow hibisus!

Latan!! Your Daughter is so blessed that you have studied and will again with her :-D
Dancing noodles hee I really liked that!!
Many Blessings Love Linnie

The dB family said...

Rummikub is a great game! We've spent hours playing it. Dining outdoors by candlelight sounds so beautiful. I think the closest we've come to that here is hot dogs around the fire. We are such romantics ;o). Enjoy these fleeting days of summer!

Blessings my friend!

Leslie said...

Sounds like you are enjoying your full but sweet days! I hope your mom is doing well.
Blessings from Texas,

no spring chicken said...

What a wonderful random sampling of Cathy's mind... It's wonderful in there!!

Blessings, Debbie

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...