Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;
     on those living in the land
     of the shadow of death
     a light has dawned."
                                  Isaiah 9:2

See me in the background?

Today was a bustle with last minute preparations, so tonight a buffet was set with a smorgasbord of food consisting of: ham biscuits, raw cauliflower and broccoli florets, bacon horseradish dip, crackers and an assortment of cheeses, my most favorite being the cheddar with blue cheese.

Merry Christmas to all!


Heather said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year love Heather

The dB family said...

Mmm, blue cheese!

Wishing you and your sweet family a very Merry Christmas!


Hill upon Hill said...

Merry CHRISTmas to you. I wish you blessings in 2012.

Hill upon Hill said...

Not sure if my comment was recorded....Merry CHRISTmas to you and blessings for 2012.. Love Jacqui.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...