Wednesday, December 7, 2011


On the seventh day of December...

 ...three seasons seemed to collide into one another.

 Because the weather was springlike, we took a walk around the block while it was yet early, a gentle breeze stirred and a light cotton sweater sufficed. The gutters we strolled past were level with newly-raked piles of leaves waiting for the leaf machines to come by with their noisy vacuums and clean away the remains of autumn.  Our eyes saw Christmas wreaths on doors and windows,  fanciful balls hanging from bare branches on outdoor trees and tiny candlestick lights shining in windows.

By afternoon, gales of hardy wind escorted in rain and chilly temperatures. 


Hill upon Hill said...

...and here I can smell wood smoke, as folk who cleaned their hearths are using them again.
Yesterday I wore a vest that I bought in America with a scarf to attend a concert.
It is raining today as well.
This is good weather for shortbread and today; gingerbread.

Leslie said...

Oh, I am always very glad when I get a walk in right before bad weather.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...