Thursday, January 5, 2012


A day or so before New Years Eve we go out and purchase a new jigsaw puzzle. Then we spend hours each day making it all come together with the hope it will be completed sometime around the time of New Years Day. I am not one that likes to have a puzzle just always laying around, here a piece there a piece is not my style, I prefer marathon puzzle events. That is why we make no excuses and allow a teeny bit of justification for the expending of countless hours until its completion, thus the after Christmas holiday activity.

Barnes and Noble had a fairly good selection for us to choose from this year.  It was hitting midnight and I was all alone, everyone else had taken to their beds, my eyes were droopy and my shoulders were aching with fatigue, but I was driven with a persistent mood to finish  the puzzle Monday night.

It laid there until this morning when Charlotte was commissioned to tear it apart and restore it to its original condition.


Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Ravenburger make great quality puzzles and i love this design (couldn't find any Ravensbugers locally this year). I chose another type for the twins as part of their Christmas gift. Holidays are a great opportunity to work on puzzles as a collaborative effort.

Vi said...

Witt needs to come over next time, he has been talking about getting a big puzzle to work on. I am not a huge puzzle person, mostly because I would be impatient to finish it and would stay up till the wee hours like you to get it done! I saw an interesting craft idea where someone preserved their puzzle in resin and displayed it. I guess the hard work would last then :)

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Hello my Friend! Hope you have hada BLESSED Christmas and New Year!!
I have missed visiting you, as my own computer is no more!! (I am at the Library today)!
I LOVE puzzles! I am looking forward to doing a Jeri Landers one I bought a while back ;-D
I shall go and catch up on your posts now,
Blessings and Love, Linnie

The dB family said...

We always did this when I was young. We did it for a couple years here too, but sadly it did not happen this year. It's fun! Glad to read you stayed awake long enough to complete it :o).


Karen said...

We also love puzzles, but have yet to find a good place in the new house to set one up. I miss having them out, so I need to make this a priority, as winter is the perfect time to do them. Yours is a beautiful design.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...