Thursday, March 14, 2013

hand joy

Pinstitching bands of light creamy yellow to a lavender dress.

After I had chosen this summer dress pattern by Wendy Schoen for Charlotte, I began the process of sewing it. Then I realized that it possessed a bodice band and a scalloped bottom hem band that needed to be appliqued onto the dress. Now allow me just a few moments of rambling to give you a little bit of sewing history about myself. About ten years ago I attended a class in machine appliqueing. From this class I came home with several badly stitched or half stitched items along with the realization that I did not possess a propensity for machine appliqueing. 

But hand sewing, now that is another matter altogether!  What joy leaped up when I discovered I would be pin stitching these bands onto the dress. Yes, it takes quite a bit of stitching, but how fun is that...


no spring chicken said...

I'm with you sister! I would much rather hand stitch than use the machine. I'm a comfy kind of gal. I love to nestle into the corner of the sofa and quietly think my thoughts or listen while the girls play a game while stitching away...

Blessings, Debbie

Leslie said...

I can't wait to see it finished. It is such a pretty shade of lavender.

dumplings and cookies

" We'll all have chicken 'n dumplings when  she comes...." ( 4th stanza , She'll be Coming 'Round the Mountains,  ...