Tuesday, April 30, 2013

sweet sprigs of lilacs

She would have loved the fact that it is the time of blooming lilacs. She would have found equal delight in that I gather sprigs to bring inside and place in a teapot to remind me of her.

Monday, April 29, 2013

of cakes and planes

Traditionally, the saying "Let them eat cake" has had significance of some sort or another with historical figures and fancy breads. But for us this saying was found on a table awash in a variety of cakes at a reception held at the church for Alan. Alan left for Thailand today where he will be living in the suburbs of Bangkok teaching English to high schoolers, intending to stay there until next year.

 I baked six cakes, and two friends graciously baked the other three.

I never knew Alan would be my adventurous one, but it should not have surprised me considering how God has used Alan in such miraculous ways his entire life. This huge step is just an on-going follow-up to a life hid in Christ. We are going to miss him tremendously though. 

  My husband and I stood afar and kept our eyes fixed on him until he headed down the steps topped by the words, TO THE GATES. He is presently at the Kennedy International Airport on a six hour layover before boarding a jet that will take him from this country to another one far, far away. 
 Alan is fulfilling plans ordained for him by His Heavenly Father, 
therefore, a steadfast peace grips our souls.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April morn wonder

Just the words, April morn,capture a sense of beauty and wonder, but the startling fact of the matter gave credence on this particular day in my breakfast room. Maybe it is in the touch of warmer temperatures, the smells of blooming trees, the visual effects of colorful flowers and verdant grass, or the merry sounds of song birds giving joyful choruses, whatever, April is worth praising.

                                     A smocking project being blocked...a blouse for Charlotte.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Show and Tell

 Ever since I was a child we had something called Show and Tell which everyone looked forward to at different times during the school year. So here I am now to relive those days and to show and tell you about  my latest  finished sewing project. My Smocking Guild group is full of ladies dripping in talent, and with this comes a display of ideas with things we should do as individual projects, to keep us sewing and learning new things. This past year, one of the projects we attempted to do was a book cover. You could use any fabric of choice, but I chose strips of natural colored silks sewn together and embroidered with threads of neutral tones. A book cover to gussie- up a photo album.

If you enjoy hand stitching, this would be a project well worth your time. It is so pleasing to hear the needle swoosh through the silk, and finding new stitches to practice on the seams filled many a winter evening. This is also a good take along project, and those of you who do this know how valuable and important that is while waiting for appointments or children who are in a piano lesson or such.

A memory keeper for sure!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

the beekeepers

I love my macro lens.

Because then I was able to watch the beekeepers from afar, without worry of bee stings.

My husband and Witt spent every Tuesday evening during the winter months of January through early March taking a beekeeping class. The results are two beehives in my back yard. Witt will get his hives and bees the last weekend of this month, meanwhile he and my husband are becoming acquainted with these fascinating insects as they opened the hives yesterday afternoon to free the queen from her shipping box.

A honey producing acquaintance has begun.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

a spring yarnalong

yarnalong, outside in the springlike weather

I have not been able to participate in Ginny's yarnalong these past weeks for the simple reason that threads, needles and fabric have been in my hands, as I have been sewing instead of knitting. But for the past two days I have made my own private sort of yarnalong, the unraveling of a summer top knitted three springs ago!  And you must not forgot the contributions of a dog, a cat and a six year old boy visitor in making even a more scrambly mess! I wish you could feel this Debbie Bliss Prima Cotton yarn though, very soft and cool to the touch. This is the reason I am taking my time to meticulously unravel it with the thoughts of knitting something else from it. The summer top I initially knitted from this yarn was beautiful and fit like a charm  until you reached the bottom end and then the proportions became completely awry. A simple sleeveless top pattern is what I am seeking to knit. And yes I am open to any ideas and suggestions, but only those that are tried and true.

It seemed only fitting to reach onto my book shelf and pull off a book written by Edith Schaeffer, in her memory. It has been many years since I have read this book and I am looking forward to revisiting it.  Entwined throughout its pages are scriptures as well as real life scenarios and examples from her own life or those she has known.

"...this book is dedicated to those who lives are a part of mine, including the wider circle of the family, who have been...and are...the human factor in my continuing process of learning-for I am still learning! These people are the human factor in all our learning, although, for those of us who know Him, the understanding the Lord gives cannot be measured an any way."

And that is only the dedication.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...