Tuesday, April 9, 2013

the beekeepers

I love my macro lens.

Because then I was able to watch the beekeepers from afar, without worry of bee stings.

My husband and Witt spent every Tuesday evening during the winter months of January through early March taking a beekeeping class. The results are two beehives in my back yard. Witt will get his hives and bees the last weekend of this month, meanwhile he and my husband are becoming acquainted with these fascinating insects as they opened the hives yesterday afternoon to free the queen from her shipping box.

A honey producing acquaintance has begun.


GretchenJoanna said...

I am so envious! Beekeeping must be one of the most fundamental homesteading activities - and I have long thought that to invest time and energy into raising bees would be very fulfilling, as it gives you a way to contribute to the agricultural base of the community.

Vi said...

They look so professional, don't they. All that hard work paying off! I will be right along with you, gazing from afar. Very far.

Karen said...

How wonderful! There are so many benefits to having your own bees. Gordon has expressed interest in doing this, as well. I would love to have our own honey one day. I've been reading up on how beneficial local honey is for allergies. We all suffer a great deal with seasonal allergies.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...