Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Very Merry Christmas 2013

...having ourselves a very merry December 1-7...

Our December begins with attendance at a presentation of Handel's Messiah,  and the beginning of the lighting of  our Advent candles.

Memories of Christmas' when sitting around the table and shelling nuts was the norm at Grandma's house at this time of year. It settles me somewhat to buy a bag of nuts and pull out the old metal nutcracker.

And speaking of nutcrackers...we were...right?...
costuming always involves hours of altering and handsewing to get every dancer dressed for the performance.. Thankfully, I was allowed to bring some of the work home.

Charlotte danced in the Nutcracker as a soldier and marzipan this year. This creates a whirlwind of activity literally weeks before Christmas, but I will not go into that in detail in this space.

This was the second go round, Rose baked me a flourless chocolate cake, rich and delicious. This lemon cake with buttercream icing was baked and decorated by Claire. It came with yet another round of song, candles and birthday wishes, naturally.

Piano recitals upon which renditions of Carol of the Bells and Silver Bells were played.

This cute idea was happily snatched from Pinterest. A tasty peanut butter cookie, fun to decorate too. I realized I love peanut butter cookies and I wondered why I never bake them to keep around.

...having ourselves a very merry December 17-24...

Violin recital in the sun room.

Widow's luncheon

"Lets' have coffee"....a coffee tray waiting for anyone who stops in for a visit.

Another birthday to celebrate, at home, gathered around the table. 

Charlotte and her best buddy's annual gingerbread house decorating one morning. It began quite early...

Charlotte' s new hair bob, no more buns for awhile; and her delight as well as ours, when she plays Christmas songs on her violin for us to enjoy.

This has definitely won the place of Honorable Mention this year!
 My husband and I wait until all shopping is done, events to attend or host are over, and then we plan a quiet, unrushed evening upon which we dress up and enjoy a meal dining at a favorite restaurant. Even though I could not finish my meal, dessert was still ordered... and boxed and brought home after only a few bites. 
I got up the next morning, and while no one else was around I sat down at the kitchen table and finished it off in its entirety, enjoying every single mouthful. I should blush, and I did actually feel remotely shamed when my husband and daughter portrayed their disappointment in my execrable actions. Even if you do not imbibe whiskey, this recipe might involve a discreet visit to the liquor store because the whiskey is a key ingredient to the sauce (yet you do not taste the whiskey).

...having ourselves a very merry Christmas Day...

We missed Alan tremendously this year! I am thankful over and over for skyping. We skyped him while we opened our presents that morning, then when Witt and Claire came over later, we gathered once again to have him "with us".

And speaking of "with us".

 Emmanuel, God with us. 

Our Savior is not thousands of miles away, being missed until it hurts,
 He is, with us.


The dB family said...

I love having a peek into your lives! Thank you for sharing. Charlotte's bob is very cute! I might have to do that with a couple of my girls again soon. Skype is such a wonderful thing!


Leslie said...

Your family is beautiful and look...a corgi! How cute! And Charlotte is growing. Your home is so festive and beautiful and life has been full for you. I am pinning the picture of your table to remember your centerpiece. It is lovely and I have had something like that on my mantle and never thought of using on my table.

Hill upon Hill said...

So lovely to see your house and its joy. When is your birthday?

I hope that you are beginning to feel better now.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...