Monday, March 9, 2015

home knitting

"Knitting not only relaxes me, it also brings a feeling of being at home" 
~Magdalena Neuner

But then one of the many glories of knitting is being able to carry a project along with  wherever you might find yourself.

Places I have knit outside my home:
in a park
in a swing
walking a country lane
at a soccer game
at a swim meet
at a ballgame
in a gym
in a car
in an airplane
in an airport
in a doctor's/dentist office(this also includes orthodontist...)
in a train
in a train station
at a picnic
in church (not during the service, oh my!)
during meetings of various sorts
by the waves at the seashore
by the pool
at the hospital
at a friend's home
in a store, mostly knitting shops
while waiting... in several other places... while waiting... for someone... while waiting...for something to begin or end.

Where are some of the places you have knitted outside of your home? 


Leslie said...

I tried knitting at the movie theater once. It went well until I dropped my yarn and it took off rolling downhill under the seats on the sticky floor. Very bad idea.

Karen said...

I have taken my knitting with me to various places, but the one that stands out in my mind is to the orthodontist office. It seemed to be a novelty with the other parents waiting that questioned why I would still use this "lost art". I used your same statement of a relaxing project. Also, there is a woman in a past SS class of ours that would knit all through SS and worship services. Her doctor suggested it to help her with some HUGE anxiety problems.

Cathy said...

Thanks for sharing ladies!

Leslie, I have thought of knitting at the movies, after all I knit while watching a movie at home. But you have convinced me that might not be a good idea!

Karen, I wished I could use that doctor's excuse for knitting in some places...alas, I am not brave enough to pull out my knitting in certain places.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...