Tuesday, February 21, 2017

earl grey lattes

Charlotte has a new violin teacher, a newly married beautiful, young woman, who is currently a student working on a Master's degree in violin performance. I do enjoy sitting in her upstairs apartment while the music lesson is going on... yet I recently happened upon a charming coffee/ crepe shop right across the street. And right from that very first visit  the deliciousness of earl grey lattes has become one of my weaknesses.  Yes, I can make them at home, but I would need to pull out my espresso machine with the cream steamer to truly get the same effect. You know how that goes... easier to walk across the busy street and buy them. This particular Monday afternoon while in town for lessons, I bring along my knitting and traffic sounds fade as I sip and knit for 45 minutes in the car.

1 comment:

melissa said...

My version of the Earl Grey is more of the redneck version, I guess. Tea, half and half, sweetener and some vanilla. Tastes wonderful, though. Isn't it called the London Fog or something like that? Saw it on Pinterest and realized I already drank it. Of course, I always fall back on Vanilla. Adore it!

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This is a neat birthday story.  To call our firstborn a beloved son as well as a friend is a privilege we do not take lightly. We are greatl...