Wednesday, September 26, 2018

amethyst at the brink of autumn

Must I admit I had to go back to see exactly when I began this project? Maybe it had to do with summer and how my mind goes elsewhere many days of summer holiday, but then a cloud arises in my brain convincing me that this sweater certainly took way too long to complete. Yet I love it, its color, its lightweight feel on the body, and its simple pattern. And this might be the time to admit it is the first time ever I've knitted a lightweight quarter-length sleeve sweater, one that will be worn next to the skin. Yesterday afternoon in 80 degreee weather I went outside for these photos and just around the edges I begin to feel a bit of prickling, but it truly wasn' that bad. So bring it on autumn!

And speaking of autumn... are we literally leaning at the doorstep or what? The storms are over the flood waters are receding, and I am seeing the signs, however small, of its wide-opened wonderfulness.

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at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...