Friday, September 7, 2018

homemade breakfast cereal

I am at the best of times, a day, and even some times, years, late... on the latest fads.
But I always come around, eventually, if it is truly essential and important to me.
Pleased to know the day and year burst upon my healthy-eating, seeking conscience and I am now taking the time to prepare and make my own breakfast cereal.
If I had two words to say about it other than it tastes good, it would be that it is the cat's meow.
Yes, that pretty much sums up this healthy treat.

The recipe can be found here; I added freeze- dried strawberries to this particular batch. I have used both spelt and whole wheat berries, like them both equally. I always soak my flour in buttermilk.

Healthy eating takes time and preparation. The flour must be freshly ground, soaked for at least eighteen hours, baked as a cake, crumbled into desired sized pieces and then baked in a low temperature oven( I set mine at 175 degrees) for many hours.
The first evening I made this I slid the cookie sheets of crumbled cake into the preheated oven and  by the time I was pulling down the covers to get into bed, the smell of the maple and cinnamon  was wafting clear to my bedroom making the next morning look extremely promising.

I eat mine with organic plain unsweetened almond milk. It crunches so nicely!

1 comment:

GretchenJoanna said...

That cereal looks SO good!! I would like to try making some to serve my grandsons who are coming to visit in a few weeks. They don't often get cold cereal and this looks like it would be very tasty. Thank you!

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...