Saturday, October 13, 2018


After returning home from my trip, I woke up Tuesday morning with a scratchy throat and a bit of malaise. That defined form of malaise that is not enough to make you stop and remain in bed or even stay wrapped up with a comforting afghan on the sofa all day, but the sort of malaise that just makes you feel as if you would like to crawl back into bed, and do nothing. Yet you keep on going, doing everyday things, just with a spirit of tiredness. My immune system is fighting hard and I want to think my drinking a concoction of fermented ginger "tea" is helping, along with regular doses of elderberry juice and Vitamin C. This tea is delicious and soothing:  I mix a teaspoon of fermented ginger, 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, and a teaspoon of honey with hot water.

And who expected the storm that was supposing to wham us hard (Hurricane my area anyway) did not, but then Hurricane Michael blew in on Thursday afternoon with such  surprisingly strong magnitude, while we sat by the window and watched it blow in and blow out within an hour, leaving messes to clean up and causing many to loose power for several days.  We could not help but  go outside and watch the sky after the storm had passed through...I have never seen such a sky, and I am still rather wordless to describe its stunning uniqueness.

The rest of this ordinary day (Saturday) was spent helping my husband wash the outside windows of the sun room, and then while Witt and Claire went on a much needed "date", we gladly kept  Breanna and Riley.

1 comment:

Shirley-Ann said...

Hi Cathy, I love that picture of your cat lying in the sunlight! They always seem to find a warm spot to nap in. The cross-stitch pattern you wanted to know about is a free pattern I pinned to my Pinterest cross-stitch board. You can find it here:

My Pinterest board in case that link doesn't work:

Xx Shirley-Ann

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...