Thursday, October 31, 2019

full things

I received an anonymous comment I would like to answer while it is on my mind...the first frost and bringing in basil.  Sweet basil does not like cool weather.  The little pieces left on my stalks are just holding on for dear life right now and I greatly appreciate that I can still go outside and bring in leaves for a dish I am preparing, I do hate to see my basil plants die, but for the most part the harvesting is completed for this year. The coolest our temperatures have dipped thus far is 40 degrees, and the sweet basil did protest, but not die. Our first frost will more than likely not arrive before the next few weeks. Now as far as the Thai basil, the cool weather does not deter it in the least, it is flourishing, and should do well until frost. I plan to harvest it for the first time this year, by drying and probably freezing.

Did anyone of you notice I have set up sidebars for my Favorite Friends and Blogs and well as Homemaking Sites? I am still perusing sites and will add to the sidebars in the future. It does takes quite a bit to time to do so and is a process. You may want to check them out and see if any of them tickle your fancy or stir interest.

Now onto my home front... on this day we look to the cross where our Savior, Christ Jesus died in order to save us from sin and all its evil, ugly wickedness. We rejoice and we pray. We never cease giving Him thanks for the harvest and this beautiful time of year. Tonight we get to go to a church and pray for Israel. Chuck Cohen was in my home last Friday night for dinner with a few gathering of friends and my family is looking forward to this prayer time.

 There is a jar of Thai basil clipped to adorn my kitchen, smells lovely, a more sharp taste and smell than sweet basil. Delicious in Asian dishes.
I created a new space in my kitchen that is quickly becoming my new spot of tranquility. Here I keep my knitting and cross-stitching always looking for that moment, whenever it presents itself, to reward myself with a cup of tea and handiwork in my hand! Even in the early mornings I am moving my prayer and Bible reading time to this well-lit and warm place, for this season.
Once more thing I want to share. I am sitting upstairs in my sewing room as I type this post, an opened window letting in a breeze that is stirring my hair, it is 71 degrees and cloudy, the breeze is keeping the humidity a little less noticeable, and I am loving the call of the 
White-throated Sparrow.  This is my most favorite bird call of all.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Wow, Cathy! I'm so pleased to be included in your new sidebar links - no I did NOT notice, I'm glad you mentioned it. I look forward to surfing through all your favorite sites! And thank you for the honor.

Your spot of cheer sounds wonderful. I never grow plants indoors / during the winter, but my parsley was devastated by our first snow - usually it lasts several weeks into winter. I'm thinking of trying it on the window sill. I so appreciate your thoughts on Jesus and Israel. We have a Night to Honor Israel at our church in October, also.

Happy November!
(Short Story Long)

late october fun times

This is a neat birthday story.  To call our firstborn a beloved son as well as a friend is a privilege we do not take lightly. We are greatl...