Friday, May 8, 2020

at home, this week

Continuing on being in the home remaining busy truly looks no different to me on any given day. I have been doing the same things I always do without any hardship on my part, whatsoever.

Glad to report I did finish another novel on my 2020 Reading Challenge. With several books being read at the same time I must admit it gives a little high to have one I can check off the list. I did do a brief review on this book on Goodreads if you are interested. I first heard of this book from Gretchen.

I have blogged previously on how how I brew  kombucha. I have been doing it long enough to have preferences of how I like to drink it that ring strong. I have discovered I prefer my kombucha ice cold, which is a little bit off the scale from my usual beverage choice. I like to drink most things either hot, such as my morning coffee and teas throughout the day, or I drink everything else room temperature. In the cold winter months I do not drink kombucha. But come summer there is nothing quite like coming in from outside and pouring a large glass of ice cold Kombucha to quench your thirst. This huge scoby was way overdue to make a fresh batch. Most of this scoby was tossed onto the compost pile.

I spent many hours saving and picking through my zinnia seeds to sow into the garden this year. Perhaps I am impatient, but I could not get rid of a niggling thought, "What if they do not come up?" So I went to the store and bought a few more packs to plant. It will be a zinnia feast or famine!

Breanna is enrolled in the classical ballet school that Charlotte has attended since she was five years old. Younger students definitely get the short end of the stick when it comes to Zoom classes, so Charlotte has taken on two students from one of the younger classes to do a weekly workout with a bit of a combination across the grass.

Inviting Breanna to see the loveliness of nature, as if she needed to be invited, has been so much fun. I never want to stop having eyes of wonder to observe all I can and then to encourage and share this love. This particular afternoon we spotted a friendly Skipper flitting in the garden and we even had the extra joy of  moments of it landing on us! I believe this one is a Red Admiral...

One of the bonuses of the closing of schools has been having Breanna stay with me one full day a week. She attends a Christian school which has been sending schoolwork and I assist her with completing the daily lesson. But one of our most favorite times is curling on the sofa together, where Breanna makes sure she does not fall in the cracks between the cushions, and reading this book together. It is marvelous!


Elisabeth Leake said...

I love doing homey things, too. My! Your "mother" really is large. The book you're reading to Breanna sounds like a good one.

Soleh Sugianto said...

I wish you good health and success

GretchenJoanna said...

Did all those zinnias sprout? Are they blooming yet?

How can I find you on Goodreads? I put in the email address you use on my WordPress site but that didn't find you :-)

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...