Thursday, January 20, 2022

concerning leaf blowers and doves on a line

(I have been reading through some of the posts in my draft box and I have decided to post this one today...)

"November is chill, frosted mornings with a silver sun rising behind the trees, red cardinals at the feeders, and squirrels running scallops along the tops of the gray stone walls."
– Jean Hersey


The mind is free to make connections as one takes a walk, a walk designated for exercise and good health for the body surely, but it is actually so much more. A walk with an active mind is productive for the soul. I go the same route  almost every day consequently, I have met several people along this routine neighborhood walk. These people recognize me as "the one who walks every day", they wave and smile and some even come out to chat a bit every once and a while. What fine acquaintances I note.

 The other afternoon was quite chilly even with the sunshine's warmth. Leaf blowers with their almost invasive noise could be heard on almost every street and I was able to watch, some of them, with toboggan covered heads, moving the leaves across their yards. It was an autumn sound and sight. I looked up and observed a row of doves on the electric line. Since I walk the same pattern most days I have time to think and observe. I have measured the length of miles and I know how long it will take me from leaving home and returning which can be very helpful at times, even when I am delayed by one of my neighbors, and that is okay too. Several years back I spent time on my walk noticing the telephone lines in a particular neighborhood. My own neighborhood has underground lines and we become accustomed to not paying attention to them as a norm. But this particular neighborhood still has the wires and on they had my full attention on this day. I was fascinated with all the wires and mentally weighing all the electrical power running through those lines.

  I love watching doves in my backyard at the feeder. They usually feed on the ground and if you see one you will more than likely see another close by, with their bobbing heads and lovely smooth grayish-hued feathers. Have you ever seen a lone dove? It a most sad sight and makes one wish there was a courtship assistant in the bird world to help in finding them another mate.I would be the first to call.

I have been reading this book lately. 

And while the book does contain a few recipes and it does most certainly talk about food in regard to the Regency era, in essence the root word of diet possesses a deeper meaning than we use in our modern world. 

Diaita in Greek means "way of life". As you can imagine this involves the whole course of a person's lifestyle, to live in such way that involves not only healthy eating, but choosing every routine and habit of healthy living to make your life happy and fulfilled. 

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at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...