Thursday, April 13, 2023

on this day of April 13

     One place suits one person, another

     place suits another person. For my

     part I prefer to live in the country

     like Timmy Willie.

         Beatrix Potter    

        The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse

A person can stay delightfully busy doing things about the home and garden whether one lives in the country or the city. Every day I wake up with anticipation nudging me as I slip downstairs to fix the morning's coffee. 

     This day a dough was stirred up with my sourdough starter in preparation to bake a batch of cinnamon rolls. These will be carried along to share with the ladies in Bible Study tomorrow. Even though the temperatures have warmed up, still my house remains chillier than outside, so I set it on the porch to rise.


Sun Tea brewing on the front side walk.

If you have never made your own baking powder I will share this recipe so you may make your own if you so wish. It is easy and works beautifully in all baking recipes.

1/4 cup cream of tartar

2 tablespoons of baking soda.

Sift three times in sieve and put in air tight jar. This will last for several months with no problem.

I am no longer taking my forest walks now that the snakes, ticks and chiggers have awakened from their winter hibernations. I have returned to the wonderful driveways and country paths, traipsing them several times to get a nice allotted walk. The cottage property across the street gives me even more paths to walk and this is a view that greeted me today. I also was able to dig up some Lily of the Valley plants to transplant to my front yard.

Pollen is very heavy here and will be around for several more weeks, but I just had to come outside on the screened porch and attempt to remove some of it for now. No serious cleaning yet, just some vacuuming and scrubbing a few tables.
We eat most suppers on the screened porch while the weather is balmy, and because last night was so pleasant we dined on the brick patio.

I sit outside here until dusk and read The Wind in The Willows by Kenneth Grahame. The older I get the more I am enjoying children's books. This is a reread from the days I first read it to my children. Enchanting.


Sandi said...

Such a sweet post! This was like a rest by a brook in the middle of a long walk through the woods.

Gretchen Joanna said...

So glad you still have good walking paths. Spring has surely sprung in your country, and everything looks beautiful and green! You remind me that I want to get some starter going again. I thought I was done making bread but it doesn't feel right to lose that part of myself so absolutely.

Karen said...

A lovely post. What is the benefit of making one's own baking powder? I love that you dine al fresco when possible; we also do, it is the preference of my boys and they linger longer to visit. One of the books I enjoyed most in reading to my children (I had not read it as a child) was the adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh. I recommend it!
xo Karen

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...