Wednesday, November 27, 2024

we give thanks

          The housewife who sets before her family on Thanksgiving Day        a  perfectly roasted goose(turkey), is an artist.

Willa Cather, 1927

Thanksgiving Eve and finally I am taking a break off my feet now to rest a spell until the next round of bustling begins in earnest, hopefully most of that being tomorrow morning. I must not give allowance for the preparations to become frenetic, therefore, I must make haste slowly...

I had made my lists days ahead of time and now I trustingly work my list. And I trying to engage my family's help whenever and wherever needed because I do need their help! 

We will have seventeen people coming together to give thanks in my dining room tomorrow afternoon and eat a traditional Thanksgiving meal, eleven adults and six children.
Roasted Turkey
My dressing is not stuffed inside the turkey, but cooked as a separate dish. I do use the drippings from the turkey for the dressing and gravy.
Cranberry Sauce
This is made with fresh cranberries, oranges, coconut sugar and honey.
Roasted root vegetables(carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes,
 turnips and onions)
Macaroni and Cheese
Claire prepares this dish with gluten free noodles.
Green Beans
Roasted Butternut Squash Salad
 Onions and butternut squash roasted in the oven and placed on a bed of green lettuce with the additions of dried cranberries, nuts, feta cheese and a vinaigrette that I must share the recipe here because it is simple to mix up and very delicious:
1/4 cup olive or avocado oil, I add a bit of both
2 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1-2 Tablespoons maple syrup
salt and pepper
Sourdough bread/rolls
For Dessivir:
Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream
Pear/apple crisp with vanilla ice cream

We certainly have much to be thankful

Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

being my own guest

The weekend was approaching at an alarming rate, but then every weekend arrives faster than a speeding bullet in the grand scheme of daily living it seems. We were having guests coming to stay on Friday night at the Cottage and I especially wanted to stay there myself overnight to see what it was like to wake up in the cottage and to get an overall feel of just being my PJ' a guest, so to speak.

The next morning I observed the morning sunlight's marmalade toast appearance as I poured my coffee into one of the cottage's mugs. I settled in the comfy cushioned rocker to read the Word and pray. 

The bed slept well, my husband did stay with me, and the queen mattress was comfortable. The propane gas heated the cottage quickly and warmly. The only thing we must get adjusted is the water pressure in the bathroom. When the hot water was turned on the pressure went down. My son says he has a solution to that issue and he will remedy that when he comes. I love easy solutions to problems. 
The dining room buffet glowing in the afternoon sunlight.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

late october fun times

This is a neat birthday story.

 To call our firstborn a beloved son as well as a friend is a privilege we do not take lightly. We are greatly blessed. Witt called his father last week and said that for his 42nd birthday he wanted to come out and cut wood. An entire day with noisy hand-held men machines cutting huge pieces of fallen trees and splitting logs with his father. His wife, Claire, being the wonderful woman and wife that she is graciously gave him that gift. He arrived at our house around 7:45 where I had prepared a full breakfast before the morning's work began in earnest.He stayed through lunch until mid afternoon. I placed a lite candle amidst the apple crisp and vanilla ice cream and we delighted in this gift that he is to us.

I do not know who enjoyed this gift the most, my son or his father. 

Then it was time to celebrate my granddaughter, who shares the same birthdate with her father.  In a style befitting a fourteen year old  that is growing in loveliness daily as even her soul is reaching toward godliness and purity in glorifying the Lord, we dressed in some of our most tea appropriate attire and headed out to an afternoon tea. In years past I have attended many afternoon tea gatherings with friends at this wonderful hotel as well as sharing precious times with my daughters there too.

But this day it was all Breanna. 

I do not know who enjoyed it the most, Breanna or me.

The weekend was upon us before we knew it and Breanna's brother came to stay a few nights. On Sunday afternoon Ivy joined us with big plans for them to play together. At first my husband tells them not to get dirty sliding down that hill.   But after a quick second thought of remembering what he would have done if given the opportunity when he was their ages...  enough said. They had so much fun laughing and playing together. Both of them were covered in the dry dusty dirt, it reminded you of the character of Pig-Pen in the Peanuts cartoon when your attempted to brush them off!

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...