Tuesday, November 5, 2024

late october fun times

This is a neat birthday story.

 To call our firstborn a beloved son as well as a friend is a privilege we do not take lightly. We are greatly blessed. Witt called his father last week and said that for his 42nd birthday he wanted to come out and cut wood. An entire day with noisy hand-held men machines cutting huge pieces of fallen trees and splitting logs with his father. His wife, Claire, being the wonderful woman and wife that she is graciously gave him that gift. He arrived at our house around 7:45 where I had prepared a full breakfast before the morning's work began in earnest.He stayed through lunch until mid afternoon. I placed a lite candle amidst the apple crisp and vanilla ice cream and we delighted in this gift that he is to us.

I do not know who enjoyed this gift the most, my son or his father. 

Then it was time to celebrate my granddaughter, who shares the same birthdate with her father.  In a style befitting a fourteen year old  that is growing in loveliness daily as even her soul is reaching toward godliness and purity in glorifying the Lord, we dressed in some of our most tea appropriate attire and headed out to an afternoon tea. In years past I have attended many afternoon tea gatherings with friends at this wonderful hotel as well as sharing precious times with my daughters there too.

But this day it was all Breanna. 

I do not know who enjoyed it the most, Breanna or me.

The weekend was upon us before we knew it and Breanna's brother came to stay a few nights. On Sunday afternoon Ivy joined us with big plans for them to play together. At first my husband tells them not to get dirty sliding down that hill.   But after a quick second thought of remembering what he would have done if given the opportunity when he was their ages...  enough said. They had so much fun laughing and playing together. Both of them were covered in the dry dusty dirt, it reminded you of the character of Pig-Pen in the Peanuts cartoon when your attempted to brush them off!


Elisabeth St John said...

It's crazy how much your children and grandchildren have grown. I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around Witt being 42. Haha! and Breanna 14! Sometimes I realize I'm getting a little older myself, I guess.

R’s Rue said...

Such a beautiful family.

melissa said...

What a sweet family, and your beautiful granddaughter. You two look adorable together. ❤️

Andrea said...

What a wonderful son, his wife and your grandchildren. Tea rooms are about as special as you can get these days. They make one feel refined! andrea

Gretchen Joanna said...

Those were some rich birthday celebrations; you and your son are wise, to take advantage of these days that pass so quickly. Your family is beautiful.

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...