Friday, January 24, 2025

an introduction to the world of...

                             Mary Brooks Picken 

 If you have interests in sewing then you might have possibly heard the name of Mary Brooks Picken. Mrs. Depew Vintage has written an informative post about her including a brief history of her life and the recognizably important role she held in the lives of women, sewing and the art of home economics during the early 1900's  through the 1950's. 

I was personally introduced to Mary Brooks Picken though this book by Amy Barickman.

Such an enchanting and engaging book that I love to pull off the library shelf from time to time in order to be inspired and to enter once again into the seasonal entry of any given month. The book was inspired by the monthly newsletters published and distributed to students of the Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Science (1916-1937) in Scranton, Pennsylvania as well as other publications written by Mrs. Picken. The appealing articles in Vintage Notions read to me as a remembrance of subjects studied while in the Home Economics courses of my high school days written with a beautifully flowing vintage flair. There are essays, letters, recipes, instructions with patterns, and encouragements under title headings including Department of Cookery, Department of Sewing, Department of Good Looks, Department of Fashion, and Department of Housekeeping. Amy Barickman adds her own well-written words and vintage advice with tips throughout the book also. She shares several printed pictures of her extensive collection of vintage textiles, linens, embroideries and needlework with just the loveliest of illustrations. Eye candy of the purest kind for one who loves and appreciates such things.  I can not say enough about the  information given and entertaining delight this book provides during any season of the year. Amy Barickman offers a free online copy of Vintage Notions Monthly, other copies are for sale here on her website.

"Isn't it strange that Princes and Kings
And clowns that caper in sawdust rings,
And just plain folk like you and me,
Are builders for Eternity?
To each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass and a book of rules;
And each must make ere life is flown,
As stumbling block or a stepping stone."
                               Mary Brooks Picken
                                     from Thimblefuls of Friendliness               January1924

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Thanks, that is so neat! And now I'm nostalgic for past days when ladies dressed like ladies. I was just thinking how my grandmothers never wore pants, always dresses. andrea

2025 reading list

  ( This post was written during the first weeks of January. I wanted to come as close to completely composing  the 2025 Reading Challenge a...