Friday, January 31, 2025

January 31 offerings

A woman's "best laid plans can oft go awry",  much like the mouse in Robert Burn's poem. As was this woman's case story for today, this last day in January. And I take comfort in the amazing truth that the Lord always directs my moments which lead into the orchestrating of my days. Since it is Friday after all I was planning on leaving early to make the weekly hour drive to Bible Study as I happen to do every Friday morning. I was carrying along the day's snack too,  freshly baked cream scones in a basket with a container of homemade whipped cream and a little jar of blueberry vanilla jam. The house host supplies the water and coffee, these nine women are coffee drinkers. But I wasn't feeling "up to par" today. Headachy, body achey, and tiredness. Not only did the thought of the drive weary me, but the thought of sharing this little bug with my dear friends was what led to making the final decision easier. 
Unfortunately, I was to pick up Breanna to bring her to my house for the weekend. We had some lovely plans. We are sewing a Sense and Sensibility era ball gown for her to attend her homeschool English Garden Dance in early March.

I have rested a bit and it has been doing me good. A pot of chili was made yesterday and a bowl of gooey Mac and Cheese is in the refrigerator alongside a few other leftovers, this will keep me from I can rest my achy body. 
As the temperatures have taken a turn from the cold winter days I was loving, I still keep the thoughts and the sounds of this inviting season in my heart. And without any doubts whatsoever, winter will  awaken  once more, he is only taking a rest like me.

Ergo, as I am sitting on my living room couch, the sun streaming cozily through the bare windows I pleasantly enjoy these things of winter.  And I thought I would share them with you all my dear blogger friends.
Vivaldi's Four Seasons: Winter. 
The gifted violinist does a superb job with this beautiful piece, as do her accompanists. I especially love how the descriptions of winter are given in this video.
 And speaking of violins, as a graduation gift from college we were really wanting to buy Charlotte a new violin, one that was over the level of a student violin. She found herself the perfect violin and she is now immensely enjoying the richer tone as she practices hard for her Senior Recital, cresting the hill for her May graduation.

Edmund Blair Leighton's A Wintry Walk(1904)

"I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape — the loneliness of it; the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn't show."

                                                                                               - Andrew Wyeth

My hands are busy knitting on a project I have thought of creating for several years. I love it when the magnification of any given project  focuses and activates a new beginning as it did with this Memory Scrap Blanket, a free pattern on Ravelry.

Enjoy your weekend!


Mari said...

Hi Cathy! Thank you for stopping at my blog.
I'm sorry you had to miss your bible study and that your friends missed out on the scones. They sounded wonderful! But, it's good you didn't expose them to anything and good for you to rest.
My sister played violin, my other sister played flute and I played piano. It was always fun to play together. I'm happy your granddaughter got a new violin to play!

Cathy said...

Your family is musical. it is my daughter, not "late in life" child.😊 She married a man who is musical and I love it when they are here playing together.

2025 reading list

  ( This post was written during the first weeks of January. I wanted to come as close to completely composing  the 2025 Reading Challenge a...