Thursday, April 29, 2010

entomology moments

Once upon a time I was absorbed in a world of bugs, or insects, if I am in any form attempting to appear technical. Witt, Alan and I scrounged hills, trees, logs, meadows, and back stoops to find any sort of bug we could find in order to identify and add to our specimen boxes. An ongoing treasure hunt that brought hours of successful fun at certain times of the year.

Today, and remember this is my fourth go round, Charlotte began her own insect collection. With a find like this dragonfly we could hardly wait to preserve him for bug posterity's sake. So I I pulled out a Riker box and moth ball flakes to begin the process.

I found a few of Witt's old insect collection boxes to show Charlotte and she was suitably impressed. I thought since I had the moth flakes out I might as well refresh them since I could see obvious signs of insect infestation. The moth balls will aid in the prevention of live insects eating your collection of dead bugs for awhile.

Who would not be suitably impressed upon seeing an Eastern Hercules Beetle, even a dead one, I might ask? I still recall when this bug was found on our back stoop one spring morning in 1997. A beautiful thing that remains as a wrinkle in the gray matter only to emerge 13 years later.

Now that is a treasure.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lemony and French-styled

It has been mentioned before that I have cravings for lemon- flavored things from time to time, sometimes of gargantuan heights even. A glance through a recipe book recently presented a recipe that set my mouth watering. Therefore, this past weekend I knew I was destined to bake this simple dessert.

It meets the needs of any lemon craving, it contains yogurt, howbeit, whole milk, and has the most appealing name of "French-style". Claire likes anything French which is delightful since she spent a year in Paris several years ago.

This cake was amazing! One layer bursting with lemon and sugar in every bite. The recipe called for plain yogurt that was not fat free or nonfat. This was a small challenge, I altered the recipe by using Stoneyfield's French Vanilla (there's the French once again) whole cream on top yogurt. I thought anything that tasted that marvelous out of the container had to make a fantastic cake.

We carried it with us to visit my in-laws yesterday afternoon. Every last crumb was devoured. Now I will just have to make another one!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Zippy Butterfly Dress

Sewing for me usually involves dresses for Charlotte. And usually those dresses are cut out, pleated, then smocked and sewn with collars, sleeves, and sashes.

In my world one dress may take many weeks to complete.

That is why when I found myself sewing this dress for Charlotte this week, I could not believe how quickly it was made from beginning to end.

Zip- zippeddy- do!

But every rainbow has a cloud lurking somewhere, and for me it was the shirring that was done in three places on this dress. That is the place I invested the most time by far.

But Charlotte wore the dress as she took a short spin around the block on her bicycle after dinner tonight. She said she felt like a butterfly.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Journal entry of an afternoon tea.

A white linen tablecloth to dress up the wicker table on the covered porch,

cream scones with strawberry jam and black tea with hints of peach.

And the enticing scent of the newly blooming lilacs set in a mason jar.

Thankful to my Heavenly Father for such peace and beauty to enjoy.

Monday, April 19, 2010

April fireside contentment

A cool evening in April, therefore, my husband suggests a fire.
Everyone happily agreed it was an extremely good recipe to end our day.

Toasting marshmallows on wire coat hangers, and discovering that some like them browner than others.

We wrapped ourselves in light flannel wraps and sat close to the fire until the warmth of the flames created comfortable temperatures

Pure backyard contentment

Thursday, April 15, 2010

rings and bells

What a surprise!

I pulled up my blog and a different look altogether popped up! Rose took me seriously and gussied up my site. She has been so concerned about the unembellished characteristic of my blog for some time. Maybe rings on my fingers and bells on my toes in the world of blogging works for me too.

I think I like having an "assistant".

Thank you Rose...have another cookie.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

sowing seeds

Gardening for me these days usually means herbs and perhaps a few favorite flowers to tend. I also manage a bed of lettuce and spinach that keeps fresh greens on my table from late spring to early summer. If I had more space that would get ample amounts of sunshine in my backyard I would aspire to more vegetables and flowers certainly.

Sowing sweet basil seeds in a pot of soil is easy enough to do. Sprinkle the seeds over the wet soil, lightly spread a topping of soil and then apply plastic wrap to provide a greenhouse effect until they sprout. A plastic container would hold moisture the best, but I prefer the stalwartness of a clay pot.

A recent baking session, eight eggs alone for a German Chocolate Cake, provided containers for some nasturtium seeds. The rest of the seeds were sown directly into the soil yesterday. One can never have enough nasturtiums within my scope of beauty in any size garden.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

sunshine happiness

Sunshine was pouring its happiness into my house one morning. I was drunk, even though the strongest drink of my day was only coffee laced sugar and cream. The ray's brightness and the wonderful way it played upon the ordinary things of my home created such a happy place.

Made me smile like the sun!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Little plums of our weekend captured on film.

* Alan's birthday with German Chocolate Cake
*Dying Easter eggs
*Good Friday Tea

The recipe for the cake was found on the German Chocolate package.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Charlotte takes a bow

Charlotte's best design of any dress is how much they flounce about her as she dips, twirls, and sways. She makes "marshmallow" skirt bottoms and arranges fancy bows with extra cadence.

Maybe one day she will actually take note of the extra handwork on the dress and be equally pleased.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Living Hope

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

In His great mercy He has given us

new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-

kept in heaven for you."

I Peter 1:3-4

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Oh Lamb of God,
Sweet Lamb of God,
I love the holy Lamb of God
Oh wash me in His precious blood
My Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
-Twila Paris

Happy Blessed Easter

Thursday, April 1, 2010

springy blooming

All Maundy Thursday's should be this marvelous in weather and temperament. Spring in our steps and hearts tuned toward the happenings remembered on the last evening of our Lord's life.

Tea sipping outside where the savoring of the loveliest blue skies with all the colors of spring can be better enjoyed.

A tea cozy sewed up one afternoon in March when old man winter was still awake, but mimics this first day of April when the arrival of spring is in full bloom everywhere.

be my guest

"I am excessively fond of a cottage; there is always so much comfort, so much elegance about them".    ~ Jane Austen "The orn...