Thursday, August 2, 2012

the majesty of August

au-gust :
         inspiring admiration or reverence, majestic

I am beginning to love the month of August. It is creating a novel attraction in me, the kind of attraction that is friendly and satisfying.

August in the past was regarded as a jump start sort of month, a bridge leading from one spot to another. I have always felt as if I had to hurry up or I would find myself somehow left behind. It reminds me of the gymnasts that jump from one pad space to another... July*bing* August *bing* and if you blink summer is over with the enfolding of a new school year and the scurry of new activity launching you into September.

But with the arrival of these August days my eyes are focusing on the beauty of the simplicity in my backyard as I observe the predictable activity of the birds that regularly visit at my feeders, the pleasing colors of the flourishing herbs, the bright zinnias, the hardy vincas, and pretty nasturtiums that bloom in the heat of the summer days.

I would agree it inspires huge emotions of admiration.

The brilliant poppy flaunts her head
Amidst the ripening grain,
And adds her voice to sell the song
That August's here again.
                                                   -Helen Winslow


melissa said...

Oh, your flowers still look so pretty. Here in western TN, the heat has dried up lots of the bloomers. August tends to find us thinning out the flowers rather than having a final flush.

And your zinnias....I've always loved those. :)

Leslie said...

Zinnias are the perfect summer flower. August always elicits a "Noooooo" from me because it does fly so by fast. I am a summer lover and I don't like thinking about it being over so quickly. Sigh.


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