Friday, February 27, 2009

The comfort of house slippers

The preference of what to put on my feet while in the house is not a matter of great concern. I do not wear shoes while inside my home in either summer or winter. When it is warm outside you can expect my feet to be bare, but I will always be wearing socks and/or slippers while in the house during the cold weather months. From the time I get up until my bedtime my footsies are adequately covered.

It is not fashion I am after.....just taking care of the old cold feet syndrome. I love woolen socks and slippers with durable soles, this enables me to makes light trips outside if needed to get the mail or hunt for something in the garage. Just as long as they are absolutely super duper comfortable and warm I am satisfied. I wear a pair out, toss them and replace them with another sentiment attached either....all service.

I have come to realize it is one of the things that gives me a dose of pleasant feelings, stepping out of my shoes and sliding into my house slippers upon entering my home. It's a homey thing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Shadow Play

Do you see the shadows? The girls were in the dining room busily setting the table one evening and I was fascinated by their shadows playing on my fuchsia and white walls. The movements were tipping here and there as their girlish voices filled the room.

The days are getting longer right before my eyes, I love seeing this reality creeping further up into the lighter evenings each and every day. The setting sun raises its head for its last bit of glory before it will set at the front of my house where I can catch a glimpse if I take the time.

I am bedazzled when I do!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Thoughts of Snow and a Blue Baby Sweater

After a glorious foretaste of Spring a blast of wind chilling cold returned and stoked Charlotte's creative bent towards thoughts of snow. She was occupied this morning with making snowflakes with cupcake papers, coffee filters and a pair of scissors. After scotch taping them to her bedroom windowpanes and the door she visited the magic of simple play snow.

The baby sweater.....completed and the cute buttons, that Rose chose this go round, sewn on snugly.The shawl collar was different, but it is what charmed me to this pattern in the first place. It would definitely only be practical on an older baby, but since he will be at least seven months old upon wearing it I believe it will do grandly.

Waiting I can put my attention on the Baby Shower Tea I will be hosting for his mother on the first Saturday in March. If he only knew all the wonderful thoughts the "outsiders" are having about him.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Crackers and Crumbs

There is an old Shirley Temple movie appropriately called "Curly Top" in which she plays a gusty orphan and one of my favorites parts is her singing "Animal Crackers in my Soup". I can not eat crackers in my soup without this song reverberating through my mind. How delightful!

"Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop
Gosh, O Gee But I have fun
Swallowing animals one by one."

For lunch on this blustery day that has turncoat and given us winter once again, I made chicken noodle soup. Of course without a doubt, I put crackers in my soup ( plain saltines are my preferred choice).

What about you put crackers in your soup?

Now as for an afterthought crumb on this Friday, I must make a statement about laundry. It is frankly daily and I am truly thankful for my constant appliances that make this duty so much easier. After all I have read those Little House on the Prairie books regarding their laundry days. I once heard a woman of three teenage sons declare she would not have any problems if she did not have dirty laundry. As a young mother of one little one, all I could do was chuckle. I do not chuckle on the same level these days. And to make it even more interesting and complicated, I have older children that come back with their dirty laundry....loads and loads of dirty laundry.... and have Laundromat Day at my house. But their distinct idea of doing laundry is as far as the east is from the west from my grounded idea. Consequently, for the past two days I have lived with dirty clothes all over my laundry room floor. It is time to make a judgment here.....I will be For Hire to do laundry, if and only if the laundry is dropped off on designated days and it must by no means be more than a week's worth of laundry.....Good. Now that I have that all straight.......

Why must one have such a large supply of Shout? I counted four bottles! Dirty, dirty laundry needs, I presume.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Sweet Bonnet of Pink

Another baby gift, and this one all pink and white. I feel as if the LORD granted me the privilege of praying for this precious one beginning two summers ago and now the arrival date is only four weeks away. The parents and five year old big sister are jubilant. They have been praying and hoping for so very long.

So I made a very special gift. Her own smocked pink and white "Easter" bonnet, dainty, delicate and oh so feminine.

With the simplest details such as these ribbon clasps to keep the silk ribbons that will caress her tiny, fresh, newborn chin.

"Mrs. Weston, with her baby on her knee, indulging in such reflections as these, was one of the happiest women in the world. If any thing could increase her delight, it was perceiving that the baby would soon have outgrown its first set of caps."
Jane Austen

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Daughter's Heart

What a thoroughly satisfying day. The girls in Polished Cornerstone planned and executed an evening of serving their fathers a special meal. The purpose stems from a deep desire we have to foster in our daughters the idea of holding their fathers in the role of a "knight in shining armor" until the day comes that he, in fact, will give them away to their future husbands. This is so imperative, to give our daughters the love and attention they crave, and need for that matter, while they are yet still at home under our care and protection.

The girls also wrote a letter to their fathers to be included in a pail of goodies, and at the end of the meal each father reached out plucking a rose from the center vase and presented it to their daughter, one long-stemmed rose.

Confetti of pink and red hearts spiraled from fingers across the white tablecloth. I had such a difficult time catching this on film, which only reminds me of how quickly these years of my daughter's girlhood are spiraling away from me. Each day is a priceless gift.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

All Day Granola

Most mornings I eat a breakfast of vanilla yogurt (Stoneyfield Farms is my absolute favorite) with flax seed grain and fresh fruit: raspberries, blueberries or strawberries. If the market fruit is not satisfactory then I will use frozen blueberries. This along with a cold glass of orange juice will get me through my busy morning of homeschooling until lunchtime.

For several months, truly it has been that long, I have had hankerings for some homemade granola. I just simply have not taken the time to make a batch. Oh..... am I ever glad I took the time this morning right before I started on Charlotte's reading lesson. She pulled up her trusty stool and we proceeded to make my dreams come true right then and there. I am calling this
All Day Granola because you will eat it all is delicious! You might want to make two batches.....

All Day Granola

2 cups of oatmeal, whole grain milled
3/4 cups of broken pecans halves
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1/2 cup wheat germ
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/3 cup brown sugar

Mix all ingredients and add:
!/2 stick melted butter
2 tablespoons honey

Preheat oven to 300 degrees and bake for 15 minutes, stirring every five.
Add 1/2 cup of dried cherries and 1/2 cup of dried blueberries ( you may just add one if preferred).
Bake another15-20 minutes stirring every 5 minutes. Cool.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Black Patent Leather Shoes

As a child I can remember wearing saddle oxfords to school. But come Sunday morning no other shoes would do but my shiny black patent leather shoes. All little girls should have a pair to wear when dressed up in their best.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Drawing Hedgehogs

"She was running, running, running up the hill - and where was her white frilled cap? and her shawl? and her gown-and her petticoat?

"And how small she had grown- and how brown - and covered with prickles!
Why! Mrs. Tiggy-winkle was nothing but a HEDGEHOG!

We adore this story by Beatrix Potter, so in her honor we drew hedgehogs. I love the prickles on Charlotte's little critter.

There are days I too feel all prickly, just as I can I imagine a hedgehog would be, but today was not such a day. Sigh.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Nothing like a cold day and chocolate chip cookies. But then in my book there is not a day nor a season that chocolate chip cookies don't enrich to the utmost. They put smiles on faces, calm sweet tooth cravings and absolutely make a marriage with a mug of ice cold milk.

Pouring in the entire bag of chocolate chips and...stirring with all your might...that's Charlotte's version.
The goldenest brown baked cookies cooling on wire racks, but the spaces tell the true story... we just couldn't wait any longer

I have tried a slew of chocolate chip recipes in my quest for the best. Without fail I find myself returning to this all time favorite. Maybe it is because they have an inordinate amount of sentimentality attached since I have been making them since I was ten years old. You just can't beat them.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Week's Lessons

"For Thou, O God, has proved us: Thou has tried us, as silver is tried."
Psalm 66:10

If I have a backache....I will praise Him.

If I am tired from a sleepless night...I will praise Him.

If my mother with Alzheimer's tells me she is writing me off... I will praise Him.

When the hormones put me on a "roller coaster" and I despise roller coasters....I will praise Him.

If I run out of gas on the Interstate at 5:00 in the evening....I will praise Him.

Proverbs 17:3 states,"The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts."

Through it all He takes my heart and purifies it for His glory, many times using the everyday happenings of my life, good or bad, to make me so utterly dependent on Him! I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever: with my mouth will I make known His faithfulness to all generations. (Psalm 89:1)

at home on Thursday

Early morning walk in the swirling snow down to the creek bed. This American Beech tree  rightfully observed, glorious in its sober cinnamon...